anasazi(아나사지) 는 푸에블로인의 선조입니다..

사지는 한국말로 절터를 의미합니다.

사지 9 [寺址]
[명사] 같은 말: 절터.   (다음 국어사전 참조)

한국에는 대표적으로
안압사지 , 분황사지 , 황룡사지 등이 있습니다.

이중에서 한국의 안압사지와 anasazi는 발음이 비슷합다..

anasazi 는 그 문명과 주거 형태를 총칭하는 말이고,
한국에서 '~사지'는 절터를 의미 합니다.

anasazi는 기원전 부터 시작된 문명이라고 하고,
그때 쯤에 한국에서 한자 사지 (寺址)를 부르는 발음이
현재와는 달랐을 가능성이 많기 때문에..

안압사지와 anasazi(아나사지) 의 발음이 비슷한건 우연의 일치라고 볼수도 있습다.

하지만, 아나사지 인이 인디언들의 조상이고 살았던 지역이
현재의 미국 남서부 지역이며,
기원전 시대에 이미 멋진 토기 문화를 가졌던것 등을 보면...

그래도 인디언이 고대 한국인과는 연관이 있는 특징을 많이 가지고 있어서..
관심이 가는군요^^

그리고 우연히 토기를 검색해 보니 비슷하게 생긴것들이
꾀 있군요..
아마 여기에 대해서는 연구 자료들이 있을듯 생각도 드네요 ㅎㅎ

다음은 anasazi 에 대해 검색한 자료 입니다.

Ancient Pueblo People or Ancestral Puebloans were an ancient Native American culture centered on the present-day Four Corners area of the United States, comprising southern Utah, northern Arizona, northwest New Mexico, and a lesser section of Colorado. The cultural group has often been referred to in archaeology as the Anasazi, although the term is not preferred by their descendants. The word Anasazi is Navajo for "Ancient Ones" or "Ancient Enemy".[1]

Archaeologists still debate when this distinct culture emerged, but the current consensus, based on terminology defined by the Pecos Classification, suggests their emergence around 1200 BC, during the Basketmaker II Era. Beginning with the earliest explorations and excavations, researchers have believed that the Ancient Puebloans are ancestors of the modern Pueblo peoples.[1] In general, modern Pueblo people claim these ancient people as their ancestors.

Ancestral Puebloans
A map of the American Southwest and the northwest of Mexico showing modern political boundaries. Overlaid over them are three colored and labeled territories: "Anasazi", "Hohokam", and "Mogollon". Anasazi land is colored beige and is shown ranging across northeastern Arizona, the northern half of New Mexico, southwestern Colorado, and southeastern Utah. Hohokam lands (shaded yellow) are only about a fourth as extensive and lie to the southwest, centered over south-central Arizona. Mogollon territory (shaded green) is as large as "Anasazi" and lie to the south and southeast of the latter.
     Anasazi sites in the Southwest

The first people in the San Juan Basin were hunter-gatherers: the Archaic. These small bands descended from nomadic Clovis big-game hunters who arrived in the Southwest around 10,000 BC.[19] By 900 BC, the Archaic lived at Atlatl Cave and like sites.[20] They left little evidence of their presence in Chaco Canyon. By AD 490, their descendants, the Basketmakers, farmed lands around Shabik'eshchee Village and other pithouse settlements at Chaco.

A small population of Basketmakers remained in the Chaco Canyon area. The broad arc of their cultural elaboration culminated around 800, when they were building crescent-shaped stone complexes, each comprising four to five residential suites abutting subterranean kivas,[21] large enclosed areas reserved for rites. Such structures characterize the Early Pueblo People. By 850, the Ancient Pueblo population?the "Anasazi", from a Ute term adopted by the Navajo denoting the "ancient ones" or "enemy ancestors"?had rapidly expanded: groups resided in larger, denser pueblos. Strong evidence attests to a canyon-wide turquoise processing and trading industry dating from the 10th century. Around then, the first section of Pueblo Bonito was built: a curved row of 50 rooms near its present north wall.[22][23]

Disappeared Anasazi


The earliest inhabitants of the area were nomadic peoples who lived in the area from at least 10,000 B.C., sustaining themselves by hunting game and gathering food plants. The Ancestral Puebloans (Anasazi) occupied the area from approximately A.D. 1 to A.D. 1300 and left remarkable remnants of their civilization throughout the region.

The Ancestral Puebloans created a thriving populous civilization that eventually raised towers and built hundred-room cities into the cliffs of Mesa Verde. There are thousands of sites in the area, earning Mesa Verde Country the honor of being North America's richest archaeological area. Many sites are open to the public for visitation, and there are local museums and institutions dedicated to exploring and interpreting this culture and archaeology. The most famous of these is award-winning Mesa Verde National Park, but visiting others provides a deeper look into the fascinating culture of the Ancestral Pueblo People.

그밖에 검색해 보니 토기중에는 빗살무늬토기 비슷한것도 있네요...

Anasazi Pots


다음은 한국에서 출토된 빗살무늬 토기 입니다.
빗살무늬 토기는 신식기시대의 문화이며, 최고 bc 6000 부터의 문명으로 보고있습니다.

Posted by 스푸라이트